Traditional Bread is the #1 Health DangerIn Your Diet and Contains a Hidden Compound thatMakes it Nearly IMPOSSIBLE to Burn Fat & Lose Weight!
There are really few foods more comforting and enjoyable than bread...
It maybe a warm piece of focaccia dipped in vegetable oil, a flaky croissant... or maybe the only a slice of toast with butter.
Just brooding about these foods makes your mouth water! And the blissful “intoxication” you experience once you eat bread is real. In fact, you would possibly say bread is that the original food addiction. Traditional bread produces compounds called gluteomorphins.
And as their name implies, these compounds engage opioid receptors in your brain – an equivalent receptors triggered by drugs like morphine and heroin. Very similar compound, called casomorphins, are found in cheese. That would certainly explain the euphoric rush of delight you are feeling , when biting into a crusty slice of pizza with bubbly, melted cheese!
Avoid the risks and try keto breads as of today.
The great news is that by choosing Keto Breads you'll now enjoy all the delicious bread you would like – without the harmful effects of grain.
The most common reason why people fail to realize success on the ketogenic diet – or any healthy diet for that matter – is that they're tempted by their favorite comfort foods.
They persist with it for a short time ...
And then they see a juicy cheeseburger on a soft warm bun... or the waiter brings a basket of buttery rolls to the table... and that they cannot control the temptation to possess only one bite.